Dag Camera
Photo Album
Photo Supplied by Star Camera

Click on a Box to View Some 8th Missouri Photos:
Battle of Boonville MO Battle of Prairie Grove AK Battle of Shiloh TN - grp #1
Battle of Chickamauga GA Battle of Shiloh TN - grp #2 Battle of Lexington MO
Military Activities Battalion Commanders Civilian Activities
Artillery Encampment at Arkansas Post 4th Missouri (CSA)
Infantry Ball Uniforms Battle Flag
St. Patrick's Day Parade
8th MO Trip Back to Irish Roots

The 8th MO Infantry (US) participates in:
- Battle Re-enactments -
- Living History -
- Encampments -
- Educational Lectures -
- Specialty/Christmas Programs -
- Parades (Veterans Day, St. Patrick's) -

For details about the 8th MO Infantry (US),
please call Stan Prater at (636) 677-8252
or send him an email at StanPrater@aol.com